Friday, May 10, 2013

Rules to Eat By...

Rules to Eat By 
Follow these guidelines to cut through some nutritional confusion!!  
1.Load up on whole foods: eat mostly heart-healthy, nutrient rich produce, whole grains, nuts, beans and fish.
2.Don’t overdo it: Everything in moderation…unsaturated fats, lean protein(fish or chicken), fruits and veggies
3.Choose low-fat dairy: they have just as much calcium and vitamin D and fewer calories!
4.Steer clear of trans fats: the appear mostly in processed food and are very bad for you!
5.Consider your carbs: get most of them from fruits, veggies and whole grains.
6.Beware of health halos: Ex: local organic cream is still cream with loads of calories, foods labeled “no saturated fat” may be full of sodium and sugar.
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