Friday, May 31, 2013

So Worth it!

If you dream of thin and toned arms try this 7 day workout! If you have any questions please feel free to ask one of trainers for tips and tricks. If you want more ideas check out our pinterest and don't forget we are here to help! <3

Perform 3 circuits of the following routine.
Tricep Push ups – 12 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Bicep curls – 12 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Tricep Kickbacks – 12 reps each arm (Complete 12 reps total for each arm.  It’s O.K. to either perform one type or combine the three types of kickbacks in the video…only 12 reps total per side)
Rest 1 minute
Tricep Dips – 20 repsRest 1 minute before beginning 4 Minute Fat Blaster
4 Minute Fat Blaster
 via Youtube (see below), or it’s official name, Tabata Intervals. You will perform the circuit 2 times which = 4 minutes. This routine is designed to continue burning fat for up to 24 hours.
Tabata Formula:
Complete routine 2 times…follow the video
20 seconds for exercise + 10 seconds rest = 30 seconds
30 x 8(exercises) = 240 seconds / 60 seconds = 4 minutes
Wednesday – Rest/Recovery Day
Complete the following circuit 4 times
Tricep Extensions – 12 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bicep Concentration Curls – 10 reps each arm
Rest 15 seconds
Tricep Dips – 20 reps
Rest – 15 seconds
Bicep Hammer Curls – 12 reps
Rest 1 minute
FridayComplete the following circuit 3 times.
Tricep Push up – 12 reps
Bicep Curls – 15 reps
Lying Tricep Extensions – 15 reps
Rest 1 minute
4 Minute Fat Blaster via Youtube (see video below)
Rest 5 minutes
Complete the following circuit 2 times.
Bicep Curls – 20 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Tricep Kickbacks – 20 reps each arm
Rest 20 seconds
SundayComplete the following circuit 4 times.
Tricep Dips – Failure (as many as you can do)
Rest 20 seconds
Bicep Hammer Curls – 15 reps
Rest 1 minute
Monday; Friday – Tricep Push ups

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Strength and Will

We are always capable of more than we think we are. Remember to push yourself because most of the time it is our mind not our body that stops us.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You won't regret it!

So holidays are usually the toughest. We all have cheat days or take days off the trick is getting right back to doing what rights. We promise you won't regret it and if you need a little help or motivation you came to the right place!
The New England Athletic Club
6 Progress Dr. Cromwell CT, 06416

Friday, May 24, 2013

Moderation is Key!

Moderation is key for diet, exercise and life! 
Don't forget to check our Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook for more updates, tips and inspiration!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Words to eat by...

Start making smarter choices today and see a big difference today! If you have a questions please feel free to ask!

Friday, May 17, 2013

One Step Closer!

Everyday you come to the gym your one step closer than if you didn't go at all. 
So stop by New England Athletic Club today and let us 
help you reach your goals. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Are you going to be sore or sorry?

Here at NEAC we choose to be sore not sorry! 
Below are some Bosu ball exercises that are sure to get you shaped and make you sore!
Perform 12-15 repetitions of each exercise or until muscle is fatigued.


Warm up just by standing on top of the Bosu to get the feel of it. If you feel uncomfortable, ask one of our trainers!

This is a difficult move, but lateral step on the bosu is excellent to bring the heart rate up and for balance. Make sure you keep your ankles stable and go at a controlled speed.

The Bosu squat is fun. Make sure your shoulders are back, your chest is out and also that your knees do not drop over your toes, they stay in line with your ankles and they do not cave in. Push your weight into your heels and drop down where your thigh is parallel with the floor.

Another way to progress this is an advanced version on the flat side of the bosu ball. 

Push-ups on the bosu…

Tricep Push-ups

Oblique sit-ups on ball

V-sit with twist on Bosu- To progress this you can hold a weight or a medicine ball!

I could not find an image for one of my favorites, but it is a lunge with a bicep curl to a press on the bosu ball. You begin by being 3 feet away from the bosu. Step in front of you onto the top of the bosu ball making sure your core is tight and your ankle is stable. Perform a lunge onto the bosu, like the picture below. While you lunge onto the bosu with one foot, perform a bicep curl. Bring that same foot back and perform a back lunge behind you on the floor and perform a shoulder press. Do 12-15 reps on each leg, take a 1 minute rest then exercise the other leg. 

Dumbbell Exercises kneeling or standing on bosu- kneeling uses a lot of the hamstrings to stabilize. 
Front and side shoulder raises
Bicep Curls
Military press
Overhead Tricep extensions

Bicycle crunches on bosu- bring opposite elbow to opposite knee squeezing your abs

Laying opposites on Bosu

For the lower back I like this exercise. Place your hips on top of the ball and while squeezing your gluts bring your legs off the floor. Without hyper extending your back, bring your legs in line with your upper body. This is an excellent move for your lower back muscles.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Rainy Saturday...time for a workout!

It's rainy Saturday so there is no excuse not to come 
into the gym and get the body you
always wanted!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Rules to Eat By...

Rules to Eat By 
Follow these guidelines to cut through some nutritional confusion!!  
1.Load up on whole foods: eat mostly heart-healthy, nutrient rich produce, whole grains, nuts, beans and fish.
2.Don’t overdo it: Everything in moderation…unsaturated fats, lean protein(fish or chicken), fruits and veggies
3.Choose low-fat dairy: they have just as much calcium and vitamin D and fewer calories!
4.Steer clear of trans fats: the appear mostly in processed food and are very bad for you!
5.Consider your carbs: get most of them from fruits, veggies and whole grains.
6.Beware of health halos: Ex: local organic cream is still cream with loads of calories, foods labeled “no saturated fat” may be full of sodium and sugar.
Thank You for checking out our blog and feel free to comment here or on our Facebook or Twitter!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Keep it Up!

So keep up the good work and let us help! Stop by club because
starting is half the battle and we are here to help 
so feel free to ask. 
Hope to see you soon! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

A little motivation...

Monday Motivation
Mondays always seem like the hardest day but if you really think about them it is an opportunity for a fresh start every 7 days. It could be the start to the best day, week, or month of your life so keep motivated! Let us know what motivates you either here or on our Facebook or twitter.